Inesen soinu-paisaiak eszena abangoardistarengatik duen lilura azaltzen du. Esparru honetan cluberako bideratuta dauden dantza erritmoak agintzen dute eta post-interneten ikus-kode estetikatik eragina dute.
Bere olgetarako helburua track baten parean dagoen bitartean, saioa genero eta jatorri aniztasunari garrantzi haundia duten dimentsiora bideratzea da, beti ere begirada politiko baten bidez. Bere saioek gaua gozamen eta erresistentzia gune direla islatzen dute. Autoadierazpen futuristako piezak, muga hegemoniko nagusiei aurre egiten dietenak.
Inesek bere unibertso musikala modelatu du, Dja izateaz gain, Frances Be-rekin batera KRII kolektiboaren sortzailea da. Ekimen honek emakumeen presentzia sustatzen du soinu elektronikoei lotuta dauden espazioetan. Astero euskal herriko irrati publikoan ematen den Moon Safari irratsaioko gidaria ere bada. Honen argitaratze-gidoia musika aurreratura dago bideratuta.
Pistara eramaten duen ekarpena beti da bakarra, erabakigarria eta ahaztezina. Underground zirkuitutik elikatzen den eta deejay baten saio bat izan beharko lukeenaren itxaropenekin jolasten dakien selektore batena da bere aukeraketa. Teknika erosoa eta orojalea da musikalki. Besteak beste, Octos Octa, Jamz Supernova, Kelman Duran, Violet, Shanti Celeste, Toxe, Eris Drew, Jacques Greene, Nazira edo Valesuchi artistekin partekatu du kabina.
The sound landscape of Ines reveals his fascination with avant-garde scenes where dance rhythms conceived for the club and the new visual codes feeded by post-internet aesthetics govern.
In her recreational task regarding a track that ends at her hands there is a political look that induces that dimension where gender and origin diversity only add up. Her sessions reflect the power of nightlife as a place of joy and resistance. Futuristic self-expression pieces that challenge the dominant hegemonic boundaries.
Ines has modeled her own musical universe in which besides DJ she is also co-founder, along with Frances Be, of KRII Kolektiboa, an initiative that promotes the presence of women in each of those spaces linked to electronic sounds, and the host of Moon Safari radio show that is broadcast weekly on basque public radio and whose editorial line is focused on advanced music.
Her dancefloor contribution is always unique, decisive and unforgettable. It belongs to a selector that draws on the underground circuit and that knows how to play with the expectations of what a deejay session should be. With a comfortable technique and omnivorous regarding music taste, she has shared the stage with artists such as Octo Octa, Jamz Supernova, Kelman Duran, Violet, Shanti Celeste, Toxe, Eris Drew, Jacques Greene, Nazira or Valesuchi.